Saturday, November 8, 2008


For Halloween, my little princess dressed up as the Princess Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty. She looked so pretty! She had these little princess shoes with heels that would light up as she walked. I was afraid she would fall and packed the crocs with us in case she couldn't walk in the heels. Mary was born to walk in heels and she has had lots of practice with my heels. She walked, she pranced, she frolicked and even ran in her heels and I don't think she once fell. She did however tire from the weight of her crown, and so mommy wore it--happily I will say.

We met up with Jasmine, Batman, and a few other of Mary's other buddies for trick or treating. Even though I told her what she was supposed to say--and even though she would repeat it back to me, not once did she ever say "trick-or-treat" at some one's house. A lot of the houses just left the basket of candy on the porch. This made Mary think she was entitled to at least two pieces of candy. The best house served the parents wine and beer, and offered an array of cheeses and even chips and salsa. The children were offered fruit on toothpicks and caprisons. This was definitely the favorite house among the parents. If a house looked frightening, Mary would say, "not that one" and keep on walking. After all her friends finished up we went back to our neighborhood and hit a few houses. Mary didn't want to stop. I think she could have gone door to door all night.

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